Thursday, June 17, 2010

My heartsong reminder

This week, I was reminded of the reasons that I love this job so much.  It's the people.  It's the connections. It's the relationships and the new friends that make my heart sing with joy each time it happens.

You may have wondered where the name "Heartsong Photography Studio" came from, since most photographers use their personal name for their studio name (ie, Laura Reese Photography).   Remember that workshop I told you about, with Heather Bookout in Huntsville?  During our time together, she talked about how her heart would "sing" when she saw certain photographs.  That's exactly how I felt too.

During the course of most sessions, I'll take a slew of photos, but it's only a handful of images that will make my heart sing.  I can't always explain why and sometimes, other viewers of the images may not get it.  The image may not be technically perfect, but there was a connection made in that moment that touched my heart and makes me want to look at the image over and over again.

In the past couple of weeks, I've deliberately not scheduled many sessions so my kids and I could get into the swing of summer.  One of the sessions I did put on the calendar took place yesterday morning and it was pretty much a perfect session, in my opinion.  The weather was NOT was 9am and already 85 degrees and ridiculously humid.  But, the family was perfect...very relaxed, so friendly and easy going.  The subject of the session was a 9 month old baby girl.  She was simply amazing.  Happy and smiling, this rolie-polie baby had beautiful eyes that the camera loved.  The photographer loved her too.  Oh, and I can't forget the dog, who was also fantastic, even in the crazy heat.

We were all sweating about 5 minutes into the session, but it was so easy to get the shots we needed.  The shots that make my heart sing weren't planned, they just happened.  Those are my favorite kind...sort of accidental beauty.

Believe me,  not all sessions go smoothly and the accidental beauty is harder to obtain.  I can still find it and capture it, but it takes a while to get there.  This time, the magic happened right away.  I think that sometimes, God knows I need a little reminder of why I LOVE my job and HE pushes me forward, despite my worries (financial worries, creative worries, etc.).  In the midst of my doubt, he gives me the accidental beauty I need to make my heart you see it too?

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