Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Happy List

Do you ever have moments of clarity?  Those moments where something that your mind has been trying to work through just becomes crystal clear?  I get them periodically...mostly when I'm blow drying my hair (why then, I have no idea) and when I'm running. Oh, and by running, I mean jogging with an occasional run and a more frequent walk. Tonight, during my "run" and somewhere between Jason Aldean and Kanye West on my ipod, it came to me.

Here it is:  We have to make time for what makes us happy.  So simple, really, but sometimes we dismiss the hobbies or dreams we have in order to make room for the things that take over our lives, like work and laundry.

I realized this as I was thinking about a photography job I have this weekend.  I get to photograph a bunch of wonderful high school girls for their annual pageant.  This is my second year to photograph the pageant contestants and I ALMOST SAID NO this year.  I was very worried about time...the time it would take to organize the photo shoot.  The time it would take to shoot, then edit the photos.  The time it would take away from my family.  And then, out of the blue, something made me say YES, I'LL DO IT.  The something that made me say "yes" must have been my heart.  My heart knows that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this particular photo shoot.  I spend the better part of a weekend in the company of girls who have a servant's heart, who strive to be the very best, and who want to give back to their community.  I am blessed to spend just 10 minutes with them.

And I almost said no.

So, take time to do the things that make you happy.  It helps if you make a list...call it your "happy list" and include anything and everything that makes you happy.  I did this little exercise about a year ago and it feels good to pull out my "happy list" again.  Mine includes (but is certainly not limited to):

*A little sunburn
*Clean sheets on my bed
*Really good chocolate
*Watching my favorite TV shows
*When my husband cooks dinner
*Unsolicited hugs from my 6'0" son (and of course, my other two kids!!)
*When my favorite pair of jeans are clean

I could go on and on...but you get the idea.

Be happy.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The latest and greatest

Ok, so it's been a few months since my last post....I've been a little busy!  Haven't we all!!?? What with the holidays, then Snowpocalypse 2011and MLK Day, it's been over a month without a normal routine.  Time to settle back in....

My last post told you that I was starting a new job.  I did!!  I made it through the week in Philadelphia for training and met some really cool folks that are now my long distance co-workers.  I stayed in a super chic hotel, ate awesome food (and no, somehow I did NOT get a philly cheese steak even once in that week!!), and learned about my new position as Account Manager on the KFC biz.

I came home from my week away with a big, bad cold and SOOOO happy to see my family and my chocolate stash.  I started setting up my home office, continued learning the ropes of this new position and re-establishing relationships with industry pals in Atlanta...and I was doing it in my blue jeans and bedroom slippers.  In my experience, it's really hard to be motivated if you actually try to work from home in your PJs, so I have found it's better  to throw on some jeans and a comfy sweatshirt AND even some makeup.  I feel much more professional that way.

The job is great. Busy and crazy, but great...and it seems to be fitting in with my wacky life just fine.  I'm still able to do things for my kids during the day, like run the middle-school-carpool, or chat with my 11 year old when he gets home from school.  He likes to come out to the office (it's in a separate garage), grab a drink from the mini-fridge, and rehash his day with me.  He is a welcome break from the computer and he gets my full, uninterrupted attention for a few minutes...something he rarely has.  It makes me happy.  It makes him happy.

I've also found time to continue photographing some amazing kids and seniors.  It's the creative release that my brain craves, so I'm thrilled I can continue my Heartsong work...or rather, the work that makes my heart sing.

I had the pleasure of photographing SIX adorable 4 year olds in tutus this past weekend.  A client of mine is starting a business called Chloe's Tutu Sweet Shoppe with handmade, gorgeous tutus and accessories and she asked me to photograph her spring collection.  Below is my "tutu sweet" daughter, posing and laughing and being silly...these girls were the highlight of my weekend, for sure.